
Tracy Baker

On a cloudy, rainy Wednesday in 1969, Rick and Donna Barrett greeted me for the first time. They already had two children, Laura and Randy, when I arrived. I guess I was a surprise because every time Mom introduced me she said, “and this is my mistake, my youngest, Tracy. ”
I have lived in many places during my lifetime, and have finally settled in the beautiful Haliburton Highlands.
This chronicle will carry you through from my earliest years to the present.

“Mistake” is my first book. It is a straight forward chronicle of my life. All photographs included are of my family and friends. I hope you enjoy this peek into my life, and perhaps some of you can even relate.


Mistake, by Tracy L. Baker
Mistake is a touching sentiment to a life well lived…
The memoir covers a commonplace life by today's standards without sensationalism, from early childhood through adulthood with all pitfalls and accomplishments.
This wonderful autobiography opens the doors for the reader to peek inside the writer's private life, following her along from tragedies to triumphs and back again.
The one main take-way from this chronicled read is the gaining of inspiration, that there is nothing in life that can't be overcome.
I.L. Jackson, author and illustrator

Tracy's Coming Events

Tracy has no events scheduled at the moment, but please feel free to check back regularly for any changes.

Books by Tracy Baker

Mistake is available in several formats

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