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    We all have a story inside of us. Most of us keep that story there, hidden deep within. Some of us like to tell the stories while sitting around a campfire or perhaps the kitchen table. And then there are those of us who need to write their story down. What do you do with that story once it has been written down? Do you shove it in the back of a drawer never to be seen again? Or, do you want everyone to read it? If you are the first person, the answer is simple. Stick it in that drawer and forget about it. If you are the second person it becomes a little more difficult. First, you write the story. You read the story over and over and make changes where needed. Then you find someone else to read your story. But is that enough? Or do you want more people to read it? Before you get your story in print for the world to see, you need to make sure it is readable. That is where we come in. Pine Lake Books offers several publishing services starting with editing. Once the story is edited and the best it can be, then we will format it, assign an ISBN, get it into print, and list it on our website book store, as well as with our distributors. Before any of that can be done, you need to submit your story. Type your story double spaced, using Times New Roman, 12 pt. Do not use double spaces, or tabs in your story. Save the story as a .doc .docx or .rtf file. Put your name, email address, phone number, address, and the Title of the Story on the first page, along with the genre. Email the file to pinelakebooks@gmail.com with the words "submission" in the subject line. We will read through the story and let you know what it will take to get it into print.